RSL Queensland Peer Support Responder


The Peer Support Responder Program consists of 30 staff nominated by peers to support colleagues in times of need. Prior to rebranding, responders were identified by a plain orange lanyard. The brief stated that a new identity had to:

  • be easily recognisable for internal use

  • feature Peer Support Responder

  • be applied to a t-shirt, lanyard and internal communication channels such as Microsoft Teams


Using RSL Queensland’s staff poppy logo as a template, I crafted an identity that hinted at the poppy shape without being an exact replica. This allowed me to integrate the outline of a hugging body which represented the nurturing spirit of Peer Support Responders.Yellow denoted happiness and aligned to RUOK mental awareness day.


Using RSL Queensland’s staff poppy logo as a template, I crafted an identity that hinted at the poppy shape without being an exact replica. This allowed me to integrate the outline of a hugging body which represented the nurturing spirit of Peer Support Responders.Yellow denoted happiness and aligned to RUOK mental awareness day.


Doing my part for the planet


Published work